Problem solving and simulation within the Oil and Gas industry use approaches that are generally familiar to other more mainstream mechanical engineers, but often require the use of specific, often codified, processes and tools.
This webinar will look at some of the tools that are available within Abaqus that allow an in-depth insight into the behaviour of systems in ways which conform to accepted standards in Oil & Gas industry. These include:
- Nonlinearities;

- Contact
- Material – Metal plasticity and hyperelasticity
- Advantages of plasticity modelling over stress linearlization for code assessment
- Elements
- Structural vs Solid
- Special purpose elements
For who is this online webinar training?
The Online Webinar Training: Abaqus Oil & Gas, is a paid online training for existing customers. Other companies can sign up and receive a free webinar once. The costs for 10 Online Webinar Training Sessions during the year are EUR 1.175,00. More information can be found here.
September 27th
11:30 - 12:00
Online/web based
The link for the online event will be sent just one week before the actual date so if you register, please note it in your agenda already.
Register Now